Pro Show Goat Skin 4000
• Top grade leather show glove• Spandex guset between fingers • Key area reinforcement• Thin, soft & flexible.
When you buy goods online, or over the phone, you have 14 days from the date you receive the goods to notify me that you want to cancel
After you notify the business that you are cancelling, you have a further 14 days to return the goods to them. During this time, you are responsible for keeping the goods you bought safe and in good condition. The cost of return on the product is the responsibility of the buyer.
I will refund you within 14 days of cancelling your order but may hold this refund until you have returned the products in good condition and in the original packaging.
In stock items will normally ship on the next working day via the postal system.
Prices are shown in Euro. Any import duty, tax due at the time of delivery on International orders is the sole responsibility of the receiving customer.
While every effort is made to ensure your item arrives at your door in wonderful condition, if you have any issues with quality please don’t hesitate to contact me for credit/full refund or replacement.